Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pregnancy Karma

We travelled over the weekend - to DH's hometown to share the news with his family. We stayed with friends and, on Saturday morning, I awoke to spotting. I was reading "The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy" the night before and it warned that you should not take your good fortunes of pregnancy too lightly because pregnancy karma would get you. I had simply mentioned to my friend on Friday night - during a conversation about my symptoms - that I was so glad I had not spotted at all. Karma hit me in the face all right!

I called the doctor on call and she said to go to the emergency room if I started to bleed like I was having my period and to take it easy. I got a kick out of this - "Do not insert anything into your vagina. So, no intercourse." Well, duh, I would think intercourse counts as inserting something into my vagina. The doc also said to call the office on Monday for an appointment if the spotting continued until then.

Everything cleared up by Sunday, so I was very relieved. I cannot believe I am already 9 weeks and 3 days! That means it has been more than five weeks since the BFP. Time has flown and yet I still cannot wait until the 26th when we have the next ultrasound.

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